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Conference Program

2024 Conferences Program

Conferences will exclusivily be in French. 

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Theme – Textiles for sports

10:20 - 11:00

Conférence n° 1 : Mineral fiber in the marine market and other applications

FILAVATM is a mineral fiber with very high mechanical and thermal performance, used in a wide range of fields, including the marine industry. Isomatex will present the technical and eco-responsible characteristics of this innovative fiber, as well as examples of marine applications.

ISOMATEX – Bernard Voss

11:40 - 12:20


Conférence n° 2 : Alternative fibers to elastane

Presentation of IFTH research projects on alternatives to elastane, which causes problems in the recycling phase.  IFTH work on the development of a fiber with elasticity characteristics appropriate for sports use, allowing it to withstand sufficient stress and temperature. This biosourced fiber makes it easier to recycle clothing intended for sports use.

IFTH – Isabelle Feirrera

13:40 – 14:00


Conférence n° 3 : Biomimetic innovation applied to textiles

Présentation globale de l’usage et des nouvelles applications des fibres longues dans les composites, appuyée par des exemples d’applicatifs industriels.

GEMTEX – Philippe Vroman

17:00 – 17 :40

Jeanne Meillier

Conférence n° 4 : Projet INTERREG NWE CIRCTEX : l’économie circulaire dans le vêtement professionnel

Le consortium du projet CIRTEX représente la chaine de valeur textile du fil au produit fini, dans le domaine du vêtement professionnel – en Belgique, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Espagne et France ; il a analysé tous les constituants des vêtements professionnels pour les rendre le plus circulaire possible : Recyclage mécanique et chimique du polyester / Des fils à coudre démantelables en fin de vie par micro-ondes avec la mise au point de la machine de démantèlement / L’écoconception de vêtements monomatières et leurs tests d’usage / Un protocole pour généraliser la démarche

EuraMaterials propose une présentation générale des résultats du projet.

Le projet CIRCTEX est financé par le programme INTERREG Europe du Nord-Ouest



18:45 - 20:15

Jeanne Meillier

Sébastien Destremau :
Sails, textile and composites

Sébastien Destremeau is a French sailor and skipper with 6 world championship titles, many victories in the Tour de France à la voile, the Sydney-Hobart, 18th in the 2017 Vendée globe and 2nd in the Route du Rhum. He has written a book and holds many conferences on surpassing oneself, team spirit, risk management, resilience and more.

The nautical world is full of textiles innovations, from skippers’ outfits to ropes, sails and composite boat hulls.

To take part in the "Sébastien Destremau: Sailing, textiles and composites" conference, you need to register, for free, via this link. It will take place at the Centre de Congrès de Troyes, 3 rue Pierre Labonde. The team will ensure a grouped departure from the Business Convention venue. 

Sébastien DESTREMEAU - FaceOcean

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Theme – Ecological alternatives

11:40 - 12:20

Conférence n° 5 : Materials for environmental transition

In this conference, Robin Maquet, founder of BYSCO, will present his vision of materials for environmental transition. You will be immersed in the world of new materials and circular economy. You will also discover how the mold byssus valorization process, invented by Bysco, is accelerating the transition of sustainable materials.

BYSCO – Robin Maquet

11:40 - 12:20

Euramaterials – Jeanne Meillier

Conférence n° 6 : RegioGreenTex

Reinforcing textile circularity in European regions. As part of the European Green Deal, RégioGreenTex is a project promoting research and development collaboration for the textile industry between the four main sectors of society (industry, government, research institutes and the public), working to create systematic circular economic model throughout the European Union.

Euramaterials – Jeanne Meillier